
Design of unique pieces based on 8 patterns that combine the recycling of some types of polymers with discarded fabrics, leading to bags, wallets or saddlebags.

Green Tower – Eco public

He designs structures called Green Towers, which are installed in public spaces. These structures have two main functions: the first is to mitigate carbon, and the second is to provide advertising space or brand presence. They are mupis or billboards that also contribute to carbon absorption.


Specialist in the responsible management of various types of waste, including electrical and electronic equipment, special handling waste and hazardous waste. With specific focus area in electric car batteries and rechargeable devices, which shreds, processes and separates individually each of the chemical elements that compose it, being these the marketed, allowing a closure of the product life cycle.


“Cónica is a company that promotes the development of regenerative, restorative and adaptive projects, under the principles of Circular Economy. We currently base our services on the 4 dimensions of the Circular Economy:

1. Operations: Incorporation of best practices in the operation, to achieve a sustainable operation. Products: E.g. Zero Waste Condominium

2. Circular Business Models. Design-reward the life cycle of a product or service, to optimize the use of resources.

3. Culture and organization: Adoption of circularity principles in the organization. E.g. Redefining work practices, policies and procedures.

4. Ecosystem: Promotion of collaboration and partnership between actors, to create an enabling environment and drive collective transformation towards the Circular Economy. E.g., Tramitology, Sustainable Financing”.

Asociación Reciclaje Desechos de Nosara

Promote recycling, waste separation, and environmental education in the Nosara district, as well as the sale of recoverable waste to authorized waste managers.

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