to Impact
Pomona seeks to promote sustainable wealth creation and improved social outcomes in its target region. Impact plays a fundamental role in the Fund’s investment decision-making, value creation in each portfolio company, and fundraising potential. Our vision for impact spans across three dimensions:
Our Ecosystem: The development of a supportive ecosystem that enables entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses in our target region.
Our Portfolio: Making adequate capital and other resources available to support scaling businesses.
Our Team: Providing the resources that allow them to create value internally and externally.
Our impact strategy focuses on investing in SGBs that offer products and services that drive measurable social and/or environmental impact in our target region.
Commitment to Gender Inclusion
Pomona recognizes the pivotal role of gender inclusion in driving economic and social development in the region. We firmly believe that fostering female leadership is not only crucial for individual companies but also essential for achieving broader success in the business landscape. At Fund II, we are fully committed to promoting gender inclusion and integrating a “Gender Lens” into our investment strategy. This means that we proactively seek out investment opportunities in companies with strong female leadership. By embracing the 2x challenge criteria, we ensure that our investments align with gender principles, creating a positive impact and advancing gender equality.
Through our deliberate focus on gender inclusion, we strive to harness the diverse perspectives and insights that female leaders and/or female focus brings to the table.
By incorporating a Gender Lens into our investment decisions, we aim to make a meaningful and lasting difference, not only for the companies we support but also for the advancement of gender equality in the communities we serve.
Commitment with all human rights including children’s rights
Pomona respects the right of every person to be treated with dignity and equality by working to prevent and address any negative human rights impacts related to the operations of its Fund and portfolio companies. It acts in accordance with United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as stated in our ESG Policy. Moreover, Pomona seeks to enhance commitment internally and with portfolio companies with Principles 1 – 4 of the UNICEF Children’s Rights and Business Principles, as follows:
Principle 1: Meet the responsibility to protect Children’s rights and commit to supporting the human rights of children.
Principle 2: Contribute towards the elimination of child labour.
Principle 3: Provide decent work for young workers, parents, and caregivers.
Principle 4: Ensure the protection and safety of children in all business activities and facilities.